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Next Chapter: Content Usage
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Import/Export Content

ATutor provides importing and exporting of course content as IMS Content Packages, or as IMS Common Cartridges.

Exported content packages can be viewed offline, and transferred to other systems that will import IMS conformant content. If enabled, students can also export content for offline viewing. See course Properties to learn how to enable content exporting for students.

Exporting Content

An entire course, a chapter, or a single page of content can be exported as an IMS Content Package. Exported packages are archived into a single ZIP file.

Similarly, an entire course, a chapter, or a page can be exported as an IMS Common Cartridge. Cartridges can include content, tests, and activity tools (forum discussions currently) as a single unit of content.

To export content, select the scope by choosing an option from the What to export menu. Select the checkbox to export AccessForAll adapted content as an IMS Access4All integrated content package or common cartridge, if adaptations exist for the content being exported. Then, using Export will generate a downloadable ZIP file through your browser.

Viewing Exported Content Packages

To view a content package offline that has been exported from ATutor, you will need an IMS or SCORM 1.2 viewer, or a web browser, and an application to unzip the package. To view the content in a web browser, first extract the contents of the ZIP file into an empty folder on your computer, and then open the file index.html in your browser. Note that tests and adapted content are not currently viewable with the content package viewer, nor is content in a common cartridge.

Importing Content

To import content into ATutor, it must conform to IMS or SCORM 1.2 content package specifications, or to IMS Common Cartridge 1.0 specifications.

Before importing, specify where in the course structure the new content is to be placed by using the Import into menu.

Select the content to upload by choosing the ZIP file from your local file system, either by typing the path into the Upload a Content Package or Common Cartridge text field, or by using the Browse button. You can also import a cartridge or package over the Web by entering a URL.

Select the checkboxes to Import available Tests, or to Import available AccessForAll content, if they are included with the package being imported. QTI test packages should be imported through Tests & Surveys if they are not part of a content package.

Using Import will upload the zipped content into the course, and unpack it into the specified location in the course.

Previous Chapter: Associating Tests
Next Chapter: Content Usage
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