Previous Chapter: Groups
Next Chapter: Polls
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Links to external websites can be added to the course Links area, allowing course members to visit course related information elsewhere on the Web. Both students and instructors can add links by using Suggest Link. Student-submitted links must be approved by the instructor in the Links Manager. Instructors can also add links by using Add Link in the Links Manager.

The Links section is a Course Tool and can therefore be enabled or disabled, linked from the main menu or linked from the home page, and assigned as student privilege.

The Links section can be selected for Groups. Groups members can add links, without them having to be approved by the Instructor, and either keep them private to the group, and only its members, or make them public, so others not in the group can browse through them.

Link Categories

It is necessary to create at least one category before adding any links. Use Create Category in the Links Manager to create categories for organising course links. To edit or delete existing categories use the Categories link in the Links Manager. Note that categories that have links associated with them may not be deleted until those links are removed from the category.

Previous Chapter: Groups
Next Chapter: Polls
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