
Browse Courses


Results Found: 12


  Title Description Category Instructor Access Shortcuts
1 - Current - History - Origins and Evolution

1 - Current - History - Origins and Evolution

Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Protected
1 - Original – History - Origins and Evolution

1 - Original – History - Origins and Evolution

Study of biblical and talmud text sources; evolution from Middle Ages through transition to North America; examination of models; understanding the ro... 
Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Private
1 - Update 1 - History - Origins and Evolution

1 - Update 1 - History - Origins and Evolution

Newly revised November 2011 
Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Private
1 - Update 2 - History - Origins and Evolution

1 - Update 2 - History - Origins and Evolution

Backup not used 
Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Joe Blair Protected
1-3 old. Chevrah Kadisha: Educating, Organizing, and Training

1-3 old. Chevrah Kadisha: Educating, Organizing, and Training

Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Private
1-3. Gamliel Course 3 - Chevrah Kadisha: Educating, Organizing, and Training

1-3. Gamliel Course 3 - Chevrah Kadisha: Educating, Organizing, and Training

Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Protected
1-4. Chevrah Kadisha: Nechamah

1-4. Chevrah Kadisha: Nechamah

Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Protected
1-4B. Gamliel Course 4 - Chevrah Kadisha: Nechamah

1-4B. Gamliel Course 4 - Chevrah Kadisha: Nechamah

The study of Nechama - Comfort as part of the broader role of the Chevrah Kadisha. This spans the full range from illness, through dying, death, the f... 
Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Private
1-5. Chevrah Kadisha: Ritual, Practice, and Liturgy

1-5. Chevrah Kadisha: Ritual, Practice, and Liturgy

The Liturgy of Jewish Ritual Practices at the End of Life 
Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Protected
1-5B. Gamliel Course 5 - Chevrah Kadisha: Ritual, Practice, and Liturgy

1-5B. Gamliel Course 5 - Chevrah Kadisha: Ritual, Practice, and Liturgy

Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Protected

1-7. Gamliel Course 7 - Gamliel Student Projects

Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Protected
2 - Taharah and Shmirah

2 - Taharah and Shmirah

Gamliel Institute - Chevrah Kadisha - Core Certificate Courses Gamliel Institute Private