Previous Chapter: File Storage
Next Chapter: My Networking
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File Storage - New/Edit File

Using the File Storage utility, it is possible to create standalone HTML files or edit existing files you have uploaded or created.

  1. While in areas of File Storage where you have permissions to create or edit files, open the New File area and click on "Create a New File".
  2. If you are editing a file, select it from the list of available files in File Storage, then press the Edit button below.
  3. Enter a File Name. It should end with the ".html" or ".txt" file extention to make it available for editing later.
  4. Optionally include a Description for the file.
  5. Optionally include a Revision Comment that describes the changes in the file (when you are editing, as opposed to creating a new file) when the file revisions feature is turned on in the File Storage area.
  6. Enter content marked up with HTML in the Contents area. Turn on the Visual Editor if you prefer to create HTML files using a WYSIWYG editor.
  7. Press the Save button to save the file.
Previous Chapter: File Storage
Next Chapter: My Networking
$LastChangedDate: 2008-11-04 14:52:54 -0500 (Tue, 04 Nov 2008) $
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