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My Network

ATutor Social is a social networking environment that allows ATutor users to develop a network of contacts, create and participate in social groups, and develop a social profile. It is based on the Google Open Social Standard. Many Open Social applications, or gadgets as they are called, are available around the Internet and can be linked into your social networking environment to customize it to your liking.

Basic Social Networking Features

Network Activity
This is an ongoing report of what others in your network are doing. When one of your contacts posts a message, joins a group, adds a gadget, or updates their profile for instance, you will know about it (if they have not turn this off in privacy settings).
My Contacts
This is a list of people in your social network. You can find others on the network by using the Search People tool, and you can request that you and they become contacts. When you find a person, click on the green plus sign (plus) to make your request. To remove a person in your Contacts, click on the red X ( ex). View a contact's profile from My Contacts by clicking on their thumbnail photo or their name.
Once people have been added to your contacts, other suggested contacts will be listed under People you Might Know,” those being people in your Contacts' Networks.
My Network Groups
These are social groups in ATutor Social that you belong to. You can create new groups, search for and join groups that interest you, and send requests to others to join a group.
Previous Chapter: New/Edit File
Next Chapter: My Contacts
$LastChangedDate: 2006-07-01 18:04:33 -0400 (Sat, 01 Jul 2006) $
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