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SCORM Packages

The Packages tool, when enabled, allows instructors to include SCORM 1.2 Sharable Content Objects (SCOs) as part of their courses. SCOs remain separated from the course content as complete learning units. SCOs should not be confused with content packages which are loaded into ATutor using the Import/Export tool in the Content Manager.

Note: The ATutor SCORM Run-Time Environment (RTE) that plays SCOs requires users to have Java 1.5 (i.e. JRE 1.5) installed on their computer.

Use the Packages link from the Manage area to access the following:

Import Package

Upload a SCO from your computer, or enter the URL to a SCO located on the Web to import it into your course.

Delete Package

Removes a SCO from a course, and deletes all associated files.


Credit Mode sets the package to credit or no credit.

Lesson Mode is set to browse if the package is to be available for evaluation, or set to normal as a lesson..

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