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Next Chapter: SCORM Packages
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AContent Repository

Content created in ATutor can be exported to the AContent Repository using the Export tool on the Import/Export Content screen. Content can also be imported from the AContent repository by entering a search term into the AContent Search, then using Import feature next to a listing in the search results. Click on a content's title to Preview the content in AContent, or use Download to retrieve the content package from the AContent repository. Once downloaded, the retrieved package can be imported into ATutor using the Import/Export Content import tool, or imported into another system that supports the IMS Content Packaging standard. AContent can also be added to a course as a course tool, that students can use to search the repository for information.

Visit the AContent web site for more information about using the repository, and to set up an account on the system.

Previous Chapter: Content Usage
Next Chapter: SCORM Packages
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